In our current WWWorld, most digitized objects are so removed from their context, from knowledge of the object they once represented, that they are reborn as native objects in the understanding of their consumer, or downloader.

When we allow rifts between these environments and their corresponding parts of ourselves, we are as a partitioned drive, at each point having access to one group of folders, files, programs. Worse, when we hierarchize the environments or planes, we prioritize one partition and the files in the other go unused, forgotten, and the programs are not kept up-to-date with those on the other partition; exchange beomces more and more difficult.

Where your brain differs from this drive, though, is that you CANNOT simply delete one category or move its files – through your daily experience things are stored in each – but you CAN increase communication and permissions through diligent self-work, until you've removed the partitions and allowed all of your data to be cross-referenced and accessed with any helpful program.