The human mind, when divided into these three dimensions, experiences disconnection and opaque thoughts; to achieve efficiency, efficacy, and wholeness of being the three must be synthesized into one complete form.
To this end, Integrative Ontological Practices by Beta Plus Systems has developed extensive diagnostic tools, allowing our technicians to understand the precise geometry and diagramatic of your mind. This shows us not only the ratios in which you are partitioned but also the severity of the partitions between the dimensions, and the directions and forms of their current interplay — with this knowledge we are able to prescribe finely tailored healing audiovisual regimens to reintegrate your self.
While full oneness cannot be reached without this individually-created regimen, we invite you to experience the the first plane of understanding and healing through preliminary courses appropriate to the needs of any and all humans who have not yet begun this process. Please take some time to experience the introductory message of our leader below, or if you have already attended a IOP B+ introductory event proceed to the general Lessons and Meditations.